Saturday, September 26, 2009

4 less teeth

I finally got my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. Three years after they started coming in. I blame Blair for that because they didn't start hurting until we started dating. Haha. He's really great though. He took me to my appointment, but had to leave before it was over to get to work on time. I should have asked if he could come in with me at least until I was well under the anesthesia (which didn't take long) because I started to freak out a little (until I was under). When I came to, which is a little fuzzy, I vaguely remember hyperventilating and then crying because I didn't know where I was or anyone around me. But then my mama came into the recovery room and I felt better! We went to pick up my prescription (and one for Viki, our sickly doggie), and some KFC cuz I wanted macaroni and cheese, mashed taters and a biscuit. Mama got some grilled chicken, which I ate a little much later. Kentucky Grilled Chicken is great! Who knew?
Well, anywho, I'm sitting here on the couch, catching up on all my DVRed movies and shows with an ice pack on my face and oxycodone killing the pain, which there isn't much of... because of the ice and oxycodone, I think. My parents are leaving here soon for the BarnBustin outdoor camping party thing that we used to go to all the time. My bestest friend will be coming over in a few hours. I haven't seen her in a few weeks and I miss her tons. And then, I get to see my wonderful boyfriend this evening after he gets done cutting grass and doing yardwork (and making me some money! Hahaha). He didn't come see me last night because he didn't get off work until 9:15, so he wouldn't have gotten out here until 11 or so, which is when i went to bed anyway. He's still wonderful though.
I wish Michael Buble could come and sing at my wedding.
Hahaha. That has nothing to do with my wisdom teeth except for the fact that I just finished watching The Wedding Date (cute movie) in which it ends with Michael crooning over the stereo for the bride and groom. On to My Fake Fiance. I DVRed ABC Family's wedding weekend. I love weddings! I'm a dork. And I think it's time for a nap.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Little of this, little of that, it's 1:30am... It happens!

I could (should) be sleeping, or, at the very least, reading for my class tomorrow. Alas, I am here. It's been two weeks since I've been able to get on here because I can't set up a wireless network here (without it costing a $40 installation fee and an extra 10 bucks on the bill each month, not to mention the headache of dealing with Time Warner again). I randomly decided to try a network tonight and WAH-LAH, here I am!

So, I'm getting back into the swing of things at school (finally). I got my placement for my internship. I am in a 7th grade social studies and language arts class! This semester, my focus is on social studies, but my OSTE (on-site teacher educator) informed me today when I met her that she teaches both subjects this year. I'm really excited about it!! I'll be starting next week, going all day on Mondays and Wednesdays until I get a job (anybody know of any part-time jobs in the Greensboro areas??), so I'll get my required 100 hours done quickly, and having plenty over for extra points on my final grade (YES!). My communications class isn't as scary as I thought it would be when I first looked at the syllabus, and my sociology class is awesome (minus the fact that it gets a little depressing at times--Family violence tends to do that). One interesting fact (and yet, probably not quite surprising for those of you who really know me) about the soc class... it's my first one on Tuesdays and Thursdays and out of the six classes we've had so far, I've been late to six of them. I just can't seem to get out of the house and on the road when I need to. Next week will be better! (I say that every week)

I want to plug in a shout out of sorts (even though I know he'll never read this) to my fabulous, pain in the butt, boyfriend who had a birthday this past Monday. He got to experience having a birthday on a holiday, which meant that the banks were closed and he didn't have to work... something I'm quite used to :) So we went to Southpoint and did a little shopping and then went back to the house for relaxing (and probably napping). I took him out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse where one of my good friends from Tripp's now works. Happy birthday Blair!! I love you! By the way, he's 27 now, but don't make fun of him for being old cuz you'll be there one day too. Ha!

And I have permission to post a few of the engagement pictures of Cecilia and Bart, my best friend/sister and her fiance. So here are some of the favorites. Keep in mind that this was my first time doing anything like this, so any suggestions, critiques, comments would be greatly appreciated!
They do both have really pretty eyes! This was Cecilia's idea.She wanted to do something cool with the ring... This is what I came up with.
Beautiful moment captured forever!
This is one of her favorites. Mine too, but I can't decide if I like it better in monochrome or color.
Hands...Feet...Another moment caught...It was a great experience. I can't wait to do it again. Oh, and I have to credit Chad and Christy for letting me borrow their excellent camera. I have a digital camera, but not one for (semi)professional(ish) work. So a big thanks to them and a huge thanks to Cecilia and Bart for being my very first clients!

Testing the Waters

Testing the Waters