Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Once again...

I find myself here, catching up after long break... while there is something else I should be doing. But there is a reason I'm here. I was looking through some teacher blogs to do some research and I just found myself here! See. I am logical at times! So here's the quick run down on my update.I'm almost done with undergrad classes!! I'm so ready to be done with papers and quizzes and (required) blogs and homework and (required) reading and so forth and so on. I'm doing pretty well... averaging Bs, I'd say. I should be getting an A in one of those classes, but I haven't been putting forth my full potential. Definitely passing, so I'm all good.
I went on another wonderful trip to Slovakia this past summer. It was an entirely different experience from last year, but I loved it for sure!
I discovered that I suck at virtually every sport known to man but I had so much fun playing with all the kids anyway. Staying in the hotel in Bratislava with no air conditioning was preparing me for living in my no a/c dorm this year. And getting to know our missionary family, the Holloways, was an added blessing! I remember the last thing Sonya said to me before we left. She whispered in my ear as I hugged her, "Go, make a difference. And stop crying!" I probably didn't stop crying until we got on the plane. I was happy to come home, don't g
et me wrong. But there's definitely a large piece of my heart still in Slovakia. I hope to go back sooooon!!
I came home, had some good Chik-fil-A and the next day, Blair proposed to me! Oh, and I said yes!! Actually, after a few seconds of stunned silence, I said, "Yeah!" I had to convince myself that it was actually happening!
Ummm.... OH! I was all worried about living in a dorm (the one with no a/c) with a roommate that I didn't know. Turns out, she's great! Erin is an elementary ed major, so we already have a lot in common there. She's really laid back and chill. We've never had an argument, had a couple of bug scares (which is kinda funny when she screams), eat together a lot, and laugh a WHOLE LOT!!
Well, I guess that's it for now. I hope to update again soon, with more pictures. :) Off to schoolwork I go!

Testing the Waters

Testing the Waters