Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why I love Blair Garnett

This was going to be a Facebook status, but the more I thought about it, the more I had to say and there are only so many characters they'll allow in a status. Sometimes, just a little note is enough to express my love for Blair. Other times, I feel like all the words in the world would never be enough to fully convey the extent of my feelings for him.
Often times, when trying to describe what something is, describing what it isn't is a good place to start. So here it goes:
  • Not because he worships the ground I walk on
  • Not because he's perfect
  • Not because he does things for me
  • Not because he gives me stuff
  • Not because he takes care of me
  • Not because he's hot, funny, nice, etc.
  • Because he worships God
  • Because he's not perfect
  • Because he wants to do things for me
  • Because he wants to give me stuff
  • Because he wants to take care of me and make sure that I'm okay and happy
  • I do think he's hot and funny and sweet. That's what hooked me in the beginning. But in the almost five years we've been together, I've learned that he's so much more than that!

Blair challenges me everyday to be the best me I can be. He wants me to be the best Christian, the best person, the best teacher, the best woman, the best wife, the best cook (wish list! haha), the best Jordan that I can be.
Blair is not perfect. Perfect for me. But not perfect. I'm not either, for the record. Being imperfect gives us room to learn and experience, and I love that he wants to learn and experience life with me.
Blair wants to do things for me and make sure that I'm okay. I love him for that because that is the man that God made him to be. He doesn't do those things just because he knows it would make me happy. It does, but that's not why he does it.
Blair is a good looking man. He likes to keep his hair short. He has beautiful blue eyes (I told him one time after we'd been together almost a year that we'd make pretty babies with beautiful eyes!). He has the hands of a hard working man, rough and calloused, but when he's holding my hand or touching my face, they are gentle and kind. He thinks his nose is big, but I think it's a perfect fit for his face and I love it. I could go on about how I think he's hot, but I don't want to bore anyone.
I just wanted to express that I love my husband, and not because I feel it. I certainly do feel it. I still get those butterflies when we kiss sometimes. But I love him because I choose to. Because he challenges me, because he wants to learn and grow with me, because he chooses to love me too. I thank God that I get to fall asleep and wake up next to this man, Blair Garnett, who He made for me. I also thank God that he finally realized that he was made for me. :)
I've got more... I could go on forever about Blair, but I'm sure whoever is reading this has better things to do.

Testing the Waters

Testing the Waters